
Carnations and Daisies Bouquet

Here is one of bouquets I created this weekend. It is simple and a little bit more modern. It is all filled with deep purple carnations and few two-tone mini daisies. It would go really good with simple dresses. Handle is out of white satin ribbon and it has white pearls added as a finish. You can recreate this bouquet in almost all colors. It is lightweight and lasts well!

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New Year's Eve

Ah so once again New Year's Eve party is done and over with. For those that went to an actual event in American Polish Cultural Center, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. For all those that didn't and would love to see what it looked like this year, I am attaching few shots. Also I hope to see you there next year!

In the main hall, colors were gold and white. The LED lights, as always look blue on the photos.
In reality they were a little more clear looking. 

In the new hall, colors were black and fuchsia, with little additions of silver.
Our LED lights in here were pink. And of course on photos they turned out more blue. 

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